Sunday, 29 January 2012 | by ADOR
If there was one thing we learnt in the last race and that is borne out by theory it is to stay away from the middle of the Malacca Straits (where there is normally no wind and strong adverse currents). Sadly having managed to do just that and set ourselves up for the sea breeze on the Malaysian shore today we have had to endure watching Groupama, Puma and Telefonica carry wind right down the middle of the Straits!
The net loss to us could be as much as 50 miles and certainly leaves us praying for a ‘park up’ somewhere further down the Straits. On the positive side we have closed right up to Camper and for the first time in days we have a boat to race against rather than dots on the computer screen.
Right now we are two miles behind and enjoying their company. The water maker is the most important bit of kit on the boat right now as we are each consuming up 10 litres per day. Today onboard it is 38 degrees so sleeping is a bit of a challenge – especially after running the engine to charge the batteries.
The only other highlight is that we now have a resident bat onboard. He is hanging to the mainsail reef point catching some sleep in the day – I guess he got blown off the land last night and couldn’t find his way back. I think he likes our black sails and Azzam’s falcon. We will try and deliver him back towards shore tonight.
date: Sunday, 29 January 2012 11:42:27 (Arabian Standard Time, UTC+04:00)
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