Groundhog Day
The start of today has been similar to the last few. Same wind pattern as the breeze slowly dies and the sun rises. We passed Sanya last night while reaching through a pretty scary sea way, all we could see is there top mast light and there deck light, so presumable they were doing a sail change and bore to kill a little speed.
It was a pretty exciting night for the boys driving, raining, black and zero rhythm to the ocean. I asked Justing Ferris as he got off the wheel if it was any fun? To which he replied –“Maybe not as much fun, as it was freaky. I could barely even see the bow, let alone a wave in front of us. Tough to find a groove.”
Towards the end of Junior and Ferris’ watch, we could see a cloud curtain that seemed like the light at the end of tunnel for us. And as we screamed towards it at 25+ knots, it never really seemed to get closer. We quickly realised this was the edge of the front that we have been under the past few days, and we are probably not moving too much faster than it.
Eventually we reached the curtain, and the seas subsided a bit. But for a few hours there in the pitch black, it seemed like a wipe out was eminent. Luckily everyone was on the ball and worked methodically through the difficult conditions. In the early hours of the morning we began to open up the hatches and start airing out the boat again. It’s amazing how the raw aroma of 11 guys can consume a boat in just a few hours.
Big day of bailing so far, Adil and I have been crushing it. Finding every little corner that water could possible have run off and collected. I have noticed that he has become quite anally retentive about dampness down below, and often shoots me dirty looks when his socks get a little moist in the bilge. In fact Adil has even worked out the best technique for bailing I have ever scene on a race boat. So efficient is his technique that he forbids me to write about it - to avoid disclosing our speed bailing advantage to other teams in the race.
Happy days so far… Getting closer to our hometown.